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Challenges & Top Tips

Top Tips to Market Research

To be a successful entrepreneur means that you have to run a successful business. That in turn requires your business to sell products or services that customers want to buy and...

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Challenges & Top Tips

Top Tips to Entrepreneurship

Welcome to a new series of articles for Startups Magazine. In this series we will look at some of the more common challenges that are faced by early-stage businesses and some of...

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Back to Basics

Other Basic Steps

So far in this ‘Back to Basics’ series we have looked at nine fundamental areas that entrepreneurs and would-be founders either consider or should be considering, both before...

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Back to Basics

Second Thoughts

Anyone that has started their own business, and even those that have thought about it but not made the jump as yet, or indeed decided not to do so in the end, all recognise that...

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Back to Basics

Cash Flow is Everything

It has often been said that cash is king. This does not of course mean cash itself, but the phrase refers to a company’s cash flow and how it manages the flows of payments into...

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Back to Basics

Basic Truths

Sometimes in business, and indeed in life itself, it is very easy to miss the obvious or, put another way, not to realise that some very basic truths or something that should be...

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Back to Basics

Raising Finance

Of all the areas of starting and scaling a business that most founders are unsure of, it is raising finance. For some, the questions are more basic, whilst for others the...

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Back to Basics

Think Green!

Green comes in many colours. Environmental. Eco. Ecological. Circular economy. ESG (environmental, social, governance). Carbon offset. Carbon neutral. Carbon positive. And many...

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Back to Basics

Pitch Decks & Business Plans

Pitch decks and business plans. Every early-stage business with any thought of expansion, even if only modest expansion, should have them. And every founder of a start-up should...

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Back to Basics

To Scale or Not to Scale?

In any aspect of life, each of us will have different dreams and aspirations, and what we wish to achieve. This is no different for entrepreneurs and business founders. And why...

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Back to Basics

Working with Advisors

Having decided whether to start your entrepreneurial journey as a sole founder or as a co-founder you will then be able to properly develop your idea and your business. Whatever...

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Startups Magazine

Back to Basics

Should I Find a Co-founder

Welcome to a new series of articles aimed at helping entrepreneurs and founders to start and scale a business. In this series we will be going back to basics and examining some...

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Start-up to Scale-up

Changes for Growth

It is true that many people do not like change and shy away from it. But it is equally true that periods of change bring much more opportunity for innovation and for businesses...

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Start-up to Scale-up

The Challenge of Scaling

Starting a business is not always easy. But scaling a business, any business, often brings many more challenges than actually starting one. A typical small business is quite...

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Start-up to Scale-up

Building Your Network and Platform

One of the most effective ways of telling your story is by building your network. As any business scales it will inevitably deal with an ever-increasing number of customers and...

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Start-up to Scale-up

How Many Angels Make a Crowd?

When it comes to considering how best to raise pre-seed or seed finance for your business, one of the most commonly asked questions is whether getting investment from business...

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Start-up to Scale-up

Getting the Right Investment

Having decided that you want to scale your business and that you need more money to do this properly, you will then need to carefully consider all the different options available..

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Start-up to Scale-up

Valuations and Fundraising

The majority of businesses that are looking to scale in any meaningful way will look to raise funding at some point. As well as the other steps already discussed in this series...

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Start-up to Scale-up

Building Your Market

From the time of your initial idea, you will have been thinking of all the very many steps necessary of turning your vision into reality. One of the first steps when starting up...

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Start-up to Scale-up

Not Just a Number

This article could have been entitled ‘data and financials’ but so many of you would not have got even this far. But the truth is that data and your financials are not just...

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Startups Magazine

Start-up to Scale-up

Shaping Your Business

Having decided that the entrepreneurial life is for you, it is then necessary to think about how you will actually make that best happen. The specific legal structure that you...

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Startups Magazine


in British English


to prosper or cause to prosper vigorously and rapidly