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What Entrepreneurs Can Learn from the Lionesses

A successful entrepreneur or founder of a start-up needs to use many of the same techniques as a successful athlete or sports team.

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Overheard in a Startup...

How Big Should I Aim To Grow My Business?

When anyone is considering doing anything important and potentially life changing in their lives it always pays to think hard, do as much research and gather as much information...

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Mentor's Journal

Week 17 - Et Deinceps Sursum

Last week was of course the last real working week of the year, but whilst many will have found opportunities to celebrate most will still have been working hard...

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Mentor's Journal

Week 15 – Entrepreneurial Inspiration

Different things drive different people in different ways. That is because each of us wants something different from our lives and we are prepared to make different levels of ...

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Mentor's Journal

Week 10 – Taking Centre Stage

This was one of those weeks that saw me meeting with business from every possible stage of growth from ‘enter stage left’ to being a massive player that is looking for...

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Mentor's Journal

Week 6 – On Fast Forward

This was one of those weeks where everything seemed to be on fast forward. Not just the number of meetings but the speed of progress in the companies that I met was truly...

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Mentor's Journal

Week 5 – An Unusual Mix

This week was quite typical in that it was an unusual mix of many of the things that I get involved with as a mentor and that I have written about in the past. There was some...

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in British English


to prosper or cause to prosper vigorously and rapidly