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Mentor's Perspective

Growing From A Startup To Scale-Up

In this article - the last in this series - I am going to look at scaling your business and the fact that growth is often the hardest part of the startup journey.

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Mentor's Perspective

What To Consider With International Sales & Exporting

Having written your business plan, identified your existing and potential market and your target clients, and decided how best to market and sell your product, you should now...

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Mentor's Perspective

Understanding Your Market

Last week’s article focussed on Business Plans; what should be in them and why you should write one. One of the key pieces of information required is of course sales figures...

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Mentor's Perspective

Business Planning with The Business Model Canvas

Over the last five articles I have tried to set the scene in terms of outlining what help is available to early stage businesses, and certain aspects of finance, including a...

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Mentor's Perspective

Understanding R&D Tax Credits

In the last two articles in this series I have looked at various aspects of finance and this time I am going to stay with the financial theme but from a very different angle...

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Mentor's Perspective

Getting Finance – Part 2

In this, the second part of looking at the different forms of finance available to a startup, I look specifically at the different types of equity finance and try to summarise...

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Mentor's Perspective

Getting Finance – Part 1

So far in the series I have looked at some of the different types of assistance that is available to a startup and also about what benefits working with a Mentor can bring and...

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Mentor's Perspective

Choosing A Mentor

In the first of this series of articles we looked at the fact that there was actually quite a lot of help available to you when you set up your own business, and specifically we...

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Mentor's Perspective

A Mentors Perspective

In this, the first of an occasional series, I will be passing on my thoughts and observations in my capacity as a Mentor and how accepting the help that is available to startup...

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in British English


to prosper or cause to prosper vigorously and rapidly