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The Next Steps

Do I Need an Advisory Board?

What exactly is an Advisory Board and why is it so important to growing your business? This is a question that I am often asked by founders of early stage businesses. Thankfully..

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The Next Steps

Little Steps Lead To Big Steps

The famous Chinese proverb stating that 'a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step' is often wrongly accredited to Confucius, but whether it was him, Lao Tzu, or...

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The Next Steps

Nature Vs Nurture

In anthropology, psychology, and psychiatry, one of the theories that is often discussed relates to whether certain actions and activities are the result of nature or nurture...

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The Next Steps

Seizing the Moment

Sometimes in life it can pay to watch, observe, and to take no immediate action. But there are also many times in life, and in business of course, where by far the best thing to...

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The Next Steps

Achieving Balance

Many things in businesses are reliant upon achieving the right balance. Sometimes this balance can be easy to achieve and other times it can be much more difficult to obtain...

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The Next Steps

Scaling Your Business

Almost every business owner wants to scale their business in one way or another, at one time or another. But that is when the questions start: How do I grow my business? How do...

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The Next Steps

Sunshine and Showers

Business, and the economy as a whole, can be very much like the English weather – sunshine and showers. We all know that long range forecasts are less accurate than short range...

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The Next Steps

Systems & Procedures

Systems and procedures are crucial to the running of every successful business. Some company structures are inevitably simpler than others, and the complexity of the business...

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The Next Steps

Timing Is Everything

Timing, it is often said, is everything. And this can certainly be true in the world of business, as almost everything that you or your business does can be affected in one way...

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The Next Steps

Grabbing the Future

A week after the next steps out of lockdown were taken the differences are palpable. A very large percentage of the population have been shopping in ‘non-essential’ shops, sat...

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The Next Steps

Next Steps After Lockdown

How will people and businesses act now that we are finally coming out of what is generally expected to be the last lockdown? Not only is that the question that every business...

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The Next Steps

Recovery Loan Scheme

On April 6th 2021 a new Government loan scheme has come into force to help those businesses with the next steps after they have been affected by the economic difficulties and...

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The Next Steps

Business Vs Sport

Entrepreneurs and business founders typically work long, hard hours, where the norm is much more likely to be a 70 plus hour working week rather than a more traditional 35 hour...

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The Next Steps

It's Who You Know

It’s not what you know but who you know. Or so the old saying goes. Whenever that is said though it always seems to be said in a disparaging way, as in the ‘old school tie’ is ...

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The Next Steps

Moving Forward

Some very interesting statistics were released this week relating to trade over the past twelve months. What was so interesting about these two particular sets of statistics is...

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The Next Steps

Mixing the New with the Old

Adapting and pivoting. For businesses, these two words sum up 2020 and the COVID pandemic perhaps more than any other words. Each and every business has had to reinvent itself...

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The Next Steps

The Next Steps

Welcome to my new series ‘The Next Steps’. Every business owner and director, at every stage of a business’s life, should always be considering the next steps. If it is not...

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in British English


to prosper or cause to prosper vigorously and rapidly