Mentorship &
General Advisory

The dictionary definition of a mentor is ‘a wise or trusted advisor or guide’, and it is this that is the foundation of all that BOOM & Partners brings to its clients.

Kevin, the CEO,  has a wide and varied career and has worked with businesses from many different perspectives, having experience from working for banks, the government, and small and large organisations.

With more than 37 years experience he has considerable knowledge of all aspects of business and is now a very active mentor for the UK's largest Entrepreneur Accelerator. He is able to apply that experience and knowledge to most circumstances and whilst being sector agnostic he has a special interest in Fintech and Women in Business.

We are able to take a look from the outside of any business and make real, practical suggestions for what the founders or directors of the business need to focus on or change in order to grow the business successfully.

This process may be as few as one or two meetings or it may be regular input over a longer period along the growth journey. Our input has proven to greatly reduce wasted time and effort for the client as well as preventing them from making costly mistakes.

Ready to get started?

Let’s work together and help you and your business grow and prosper
Tell us about your business


in British English


to prosper or cause to prosper vigorously and rapidly